Returns details for the current user.
- cURL
- Go
- Ruby
- JavaScript
- Python
- Rust
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-u <email>:<password>
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet,
if err != nil {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
req.SetBasicAuth("<email>", "<password>")
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
uri = URI('')
http =, uri.port)
req =
req['Content-Type'] = "application/json"
request.basic_auth '<email>', '<password>'
res = http.request(req)
puts JSON.parse(res.body)
fetch("", {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Basic ${base64.encode(<email>:<password>)}`
.then((resp) => resp.json())
.then((json) => {
.catch(err => console.error(err));
import requests
from base64 import b64encode
data = requests.get('', headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'Basic %s' % b64encode(b"<email>:<password>").decode("ascii")})
extern crate tokio;
extern crate serde_json;
use reqwest::{Client};
use reqwest::header::{CONTENT_TYPE};
async fn main() -> Result<(), reqwest::Error> {
let client = Client::new().basic_auth("<email>", "<password>");
let json = client.request(Method::GET, "".to_string())
.header(CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")
println!("{:#?}", json);
name | type | required | description |
with_related_data | boolean | false | Retrieve user related data (clients, projects, tasks, tags, workspaces, time entries, etc.) |
Name | Type | Description |
active | boolean | - |
all_preferences | object | - |
authorization_updated_at | string | AuthorizationUpdatedAt timestamp when the authorization user session object was last updated. |
beginning_of_week | string | - |
clients | Array of object | Clients, null if with_related_data was not set to true or if the user does not have any clients |
created_at | string | - |
date_format | string | - |
default_workspace_id | integer | - |
deleted_at | string | - |
string | - | |
fullname | string | - |
group_time_entries | string | - |
hasPassword | boolean | - |
id | integer | - |
intercom_hash | string | will be omitted if empty |
oauth_providers | Array of string | - |
projects | Array of object | Projects, null if with_related_data was not set to true or if the user does not have any projects |
record_timeline | string | - |
send_product_emails | string | - |
send_timer_notifications | string | - |
send_weekly_reports | string | - |
tags | Array of object | Tags, null if with_related_data was not set to true, or if the user does not have any tags |
tasks | Array of object | Tasks, null if with_related_data was not set to true or if the user does not have any tasks |
time_entries | Array of object | TimeEntries, null if with_related_data was not set to true or if the user does not have any time entries |
time_of_day_format | string | - |
timezone | string | - |
updated_at | string | - |
weekly_report_sent_at | string | - |
weekly_report_skipped_at | string | - |
workspaces | Array of object | Workspaces, null if with_related_data was not set to true or if the user does not have any workspaces |
Name | Type | Description |
archived | boolean | IsArchived is true if the client is archived |
at | string | When was the last update |
creator_id | integer | CreatorID is the ID of the user who created the client |
external_reference | string | ExternalReference can be used to store an external reference to the Track Client entity. |
id | integer | Client ID |
integration_ext_id | string | The external ID of the linked entity in the external system (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) |
integration_ext_type | string | The external type of the linked entity in the external system (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) |
integration_provider | string | The provider (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) that has an entity linked to this Toggl Track entity |
name | string | Name of the client |
notes | string | - |
permissions | string | List of authorization permissions for this client. |
wid | integer | Workspace ID |
Name | Type | Description |
active | boolean | Whether the project is active or archived |
actual_hours | integer | null |
actual_seconds | integer | null |
at | string | Last updated date |
auto_estimates | boolean | null |
billable | boolean | null |
can_track_time | boolean | - |
cid | integer | Client ID legacy field |
client_id | integer | null |
client_name | string | - |
color | string | Color |
created_at | string | Creation date |
currency | string | null |
current_period | object | Current project period, premium feature |
end_date | string | End date |
estimated_hours | integer | null |
estimated_seconds | integer | null |
external_reference | string | ExternalReference can be used to store an external reference to the Track Project Entity. |
fixed_fee | number | Fixed fee, premium feature |
id | integer | Project ID |
integration_ext_id | string | The external ID of the linked entity in the external system (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) |
integration_ext_type | string | The external type of the linked entity in the external system (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) |
integration_provider | string | The provider (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) that has an entity linked to this Toggl Track entity |
is_private | boolean | Whether the project is private |
name | string | Name |
permissions | string | - |
pinned | boolean | - |
rate | number | Hourly rate |
rate_last_updated | string | null |
recurring | boolean | Whether the project is recurring, premium feature |
recurring_parameters | Array of object | Project recurring parameters, premium feature |
start_date | string | Start date |
status | string | Status of the project (upcoming, active, ended, archived, deleted) |
tasks_count | integer | - |
template | boolean | null |
template_id | integer | null |
total_count | integer | Total number of projects found |
users_count | integer | - |
wid | integer | Workspace ID legacy field |
workspace_id | integer | Workspace ID |
Name | Type | Description |
end_date | string | - |
start_date | string | - |
Name | Type | Description |
custom_period | integer | Custom period, used when "period" field is "custom" |
estimated_seconds | integer | Estimated seconds |
parameter_end_date | string | null |
parameter_start_date | string | Recurring start date |
period | string | Period |
project_start_date | string | Project start date |
Name | Type | Description |
at | string | When was created/last modified |
creator_id | integer | CreatorID the user who created the tag |
deleted_at | string | When was deleted |
id | integer | Tag ID |
integration_ext_id | string | The external ID of the linked entity in the external system (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) |
integration_ext_type | string | The external type of the linked entity in the external system (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) |
integration_provider | string | The provider (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) that has an entity linked to this Toggl Track entity |
name | string | Tag name |
permissions | string | - |
workspace_id | integer | Workspace ID |
Name | Type | Description |
active | boolean | False when the task has been done |
at | string | When the task was created/last modified |
client_name | string | null |
estimated_seconds | integer | null |
id | integer | Task ID |
integration_ext_id | string | The external ID of the linked entity in the external system (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) |
integration_ext_type | string | The external type of the linked entity in the external system (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) |
integration_provider | string | The provider (e.g. JIRA/SalesForce) that has an entity linked to this Toggl Track entity |
name | string | Task Name |
permissions | string | - |
project_billable | boolean | - |
project_color | string | Metadata |
project_id | integer | Project ID |
project_name | string | - |
rate | number | Rate for this task |
rate_last_updated | string | null |
recurring | boolean | Whether this is a recurring task |
toggl_accounts_id | string | null |
tracked_seconds | integer | The value tracked_seconds is in milliseconds, not in seconds. |
user_id | integer | null |
workspace_id | integer | Workspace ID |
Name | Type | Description |
at | string | When was last updated, the field follows the ISO 8601 format (HH:mm:ss.ssssssZ) |
billable | boolean | Whether the time entry is marked as billable |
client_name | string | Related entities meta fields - if requested |
description | string | null |
duration | integer | Time entry duration. For running entries should be negative, preferable -1 |
duronly | boolean | Used to create a TE with a duration but without a stop time, this field is deprecated for GET endpoints where the value will always be true. |
id | integer | Time Entry ID |
permissions | Array of string | Permission list |
pid | integer | Project ID, legacy field |
project_active | boolean | - |
project_billable | boolean | - |
project_color | string | - |
project_id | integer | null |
project_name | string | - |
shared_with | Array of object | Indicates who the time entry has been shared with |
start | string | Start time in UTC |
stop | string | Stop time in UTC, can be null if it's still running or created with "duration" and "duronly" fields |
tag_ids | Array of integer | Tag IDs, null if tags were not provided or were later deleted |
tags | Array of string | Tag names, null if tags were not provided or were later deleted |
task_id | integer | null |
task_name | string | - |
tid | integer | Task ID, legacy field |
uid | integer | Time Entry creator ID, legacy field |
user_avatar_url | string | - |
user_id | integer | Time Entry creator ID |
user_name | string | - |
wid | integer | Workspace ID, legacy field |
workspace_id | integer | Workspace ID |
Name | Type | Description |
accepted | boolean | - |
user_id | integer | - |
user_name | string | - |
Name | Type | Description |
admin | boolean | Current user is workspace admin Deprecated |
api_token | string | deprecated |
at | string | Timestamp of last workspace change |
business_ws | boolean | Workspace on Premium subscription |
csv_upload | object | CSV upload data |
default_currency | string | Default currency, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS, will be 'USD' initially |
default_hourly_rate | number | The default hourly rate, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS, will be 0.0 initially |
hide_start_end_times | boolean | - |
ical_enabled | boolean | Calendar integration enabled |
ical_url | string | URL of calendar |
id | integer | Identifier of the workspace |
last_modified | string | Last modification of data in the workspace |
limit_public_project_data | boolean | Limit public projects data in reports to admins. |
logo_url | string | URL of workspace logo |
max_data_retention_days | integer | How far back free workspaces can access data. |
name | string | Name of the workspace |
only_admins_may_create_projects | boolean | Only admins will be able to create projects, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially |
only_admins_may_create_tags | boolean | Only admins will be able to create tags, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially |
only_admins_see_team_dashboard | boolean | Only admins will be able to see the team dashboard, optional, only for existing WS, will be false initially |
organization_id | integer | Identifier of the organization |
permissions | string | Permissions list |
premium | boolean | Workspace on Starter subscription |
projects_billable_by_default | boolean | New projects billable by default |
projects_enforce_billable | boolean | Whether tracking time to projects will enforce billable setting to be respected. |
projects_private_by_default | boolean | Workspace setting for default project visbility. |
rate_last_updated | string | Timestamp of last workspace rate update |
reports_collapse | boolean | Whether reports should be collapsed by default, optional, only for existing WS, will be true initially |
role | string | Role of the current user in the workspace |
rounding | integer | Default rounding, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS. 0 - nearest, 1 - round up, -1 - round down |
rounding_minutes | integer | Default rounding in minutes, premium feature, optional, only for existing WS |
subscription | object | deprecated |
suspended_at | string | Timestamp of suspension |
te_constraints | object | Time entry constraints setting |
working_hours_in_minutes | integer | Working hours in minutes |